
Place Settings #12: October 6, 2013


Eat: The classic breakfast sandwich: bacon, egg, and cheese. The bacon is hidden, but I was pretty proud of my bacon-lattice, so I’ve included a picture of it below (it’s super easy to do; just weave it together before cooking it). It definitely increased the structural integrity of my sandwich. Not pictured: Cholula.


Drink: Intelligentsia Organic La Perla de Oaxaca Mexico, brewed in a Chemex. According to Intelly: “A syrupy sweetness is balanced by tart red apple with hints of vanilla and spice.” I think the flavor profile is perfect for Autumn mornings. (more…)

Place Settings #8: September 1, 2013

20130901-112610.jpgEat: Some mango and deviled eggs with paprika. I don’t even want to talk about my relationship with mayonnaise (Kewpie is my favorite), but suffice it to say that in my personal lexicon, “deviled eggs” is a euphemism for eating all the condiments in my refrigerator.

Drink: It is still hot and humid in New York, but I’m advocating for fall weather by switching from cold brew to hot coffee.

Read: I’m taking advantage of the long weekend to get some serious editing/writing done. I’m much better at editing than writing, so it’s always kind of a relief when I reach the editing stage. I make notes by hand in red pen, and then highlight each correction once I fix it on the computer. For some reason I have very low reading comprehension on the screen, so I always make edits on hard copies. It’s possible that this is just stubbornness on my part, and that if I just tried a little harder, I could edit just as well on my computer. What do you think? Can you read as well on a computer?